What is it?
Our Annual Clinical Audit reports report on care practices and outcomes for women and families using maternity services in Great Britain. Information from specialised maternity databases in England, and administrative databases in Wales and Scotland, are compared between NHS hospitals. Changes in data quality over time are also assessed.
Example questions
Example questions these results can answer:
“How many hospitals have higher or lower rates of 3rd or 4th degree tears than expected, taking into account their patient case mix?”
“How many mothers in my local hospital had an episiotomy?”
What data are available?
Data are presented by financial year. Reports are available for all births between 1st April 2015 and 31st March 2016; between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2017; and between 1st April 2017 and 31st March 2018.
Publication of the next NMPA clinical report is unfortunately overdue owing to significant delays in receiving English maternity services data. We have now received these data, and the team are hard at work producing the next report, which will cover births during 2023. The report is scheduled for publication in May 2025.
How is it shown?
Data are available at different levels: NHS hospital site or Trust/Health Board, local maternity system, region, and country. You can view results for an individual hospital on the NMPA website, or download one of our annual Clinical Reports which contain information ranging from hospital- to national-level.